To reiterate, this is Cariad #12 Report. At the end of the project reports can be stitched together to provide a complete record of all restoration phases in book form. Paul, in reading, this is only broad brush on what was discussed and agreed.
Paul Spooner attended on site from 1530 hours 27th May to 1545 hours 27th May 2022. His visit was like a gentle Tsunami, meaning it was full-on-think-tanking throughout. He stepped outside his brief and was a tremendous help in finalising some critical decisions vis-à-vis…
- Whether to keep the old iron work or crop and renew.
- Establishing the best method to repair/rebuild the stern post area.
- Practical suggestions about trimming the new stem for a finer entry.
- Weight saving in the engine room
- The possibility of installing internal lead ingots to improve the vessel ballast ratio.
All required mizzen mast fittings were found with the exception of two collars and the forward crane, which were lost in the sea when retrieving the mizzen mast outside Tanjung Po when Cariad first arrived in Thailand.
- Sandblast, paint, then plank over.
- Trim or crop lower section and weld on replacement plate.
- Weld and plug-weld doubler plate.
- Crop and renew. Weld on top of angle iron and weld inside frames.
Ultrasonic thickness testing in millimetres of the ironwork was carried out. Original thickness indicates 8mm. See photos for readings.
Rather than weld on additional plate it was decided to weld steel tabs to the existing iron cheek plates which will extend down to the American Elm keelson. Following fitting of the garboard planks tabs will then be drilled to access the transverse 30mm navel brass rivets/bolts.