(22nd March 2022.)




22nd March 2022. Successful haulout operation. No incidents.
Carry out initial inspection to evaluate remedial planking work required.
Remove coper sheathing.
PSS weld in extra struts in preparation for Cariad going into the work shed.

AutoCad drawing shows tight tolerance to position lead ballast over centre of trolley.

17 tons weight removal resulted draft reduction of 28 cms.

22nd March 2022 – Haul-out day.

Cariad’s extreme draft and knife-like keel highlighted PSS as the only yard in the region capable of hauling out Cariad.  Circumstances left no room for mistakes.


Based on previous experience we took no chances.

  • Waited 2 months for a suitable high tide.
  • 9m on Koh Terutau and 3.4m Koh Koi Noi depending on how you measure the tide at PSS, which is tricky.
  • Over a two-month period we reduced draft by 28 cms by offloading weights.
  • Booked a 60-ton in case we needed to lift the bow further onto the trolley at the last minute. (In hindsight the crane saved the day for us)
  • Welded steel supports internally under anchor winch in case of heavy pull by cranes (was needed)
  • We completely rebuilt the trolley plus 4 big steel adjustable uprights.
  • Installed additional 4 x 2-ton chain blocks from trolley to Caried bulwarks as double back up.
  • Rebuilt and extended railway lines.
  • Brand new winch wire.
  • Brought in specialist haul-out crew from Songkhla.
  • Cariad team supplied their 10 best people.
  • Chartered the brick barge tug to turn Cariad and assist it onto the trolley.
  • A total of 27 people were employed in the haul-out operation.
  • Khun Uun, the shipyard manager, controlled the whole operation.

Lifting bow to ensure trolley could run underneath without jamming.

First look…..Short keel sitting on relatively short trolley.

Des Kearns

Cariad Project Manager

28th March 2022.